Remix Validated Form

Server validation

One of the core features of this library is that you can re-use your validation on the server. In the last example, we created this validator to use in our form.

export const validator = withZod(
    firstName: z
      .nonempty("First name is required"),
    lastName: z.string().nonempty("Last name is required"),
    email: z
      .nonempty("Email is required")
      .email("Must be a valid email"),

We can re-use this validator in our action like this.

export const action: ActionFunction = async ({
}) => {
  const data = validator.validate(await request.formData());
  if (data.error) return validationError(data.error);
  const { firstName, lastName, email } =;

  // Do something with the data

If the action returns validationError(data.error), the ValidatedForm will automatically pick up the error and display it. This is useful for cases where the user has javascript disabled.

Full implementation

If we put everything together, we have a fully working example.